Sunday, 31 October 2010

status update,,,, ngeeeeeeee

dr KC hostel ke KAMPUS sunway ke PICC 

untuk rehease and sound check

lps tu bru grk ke 

 Palm Garden Hotel IOI Resort, Putrajaya

utk melelapkan mata sebentar

dan merehatkan bdn yg sbnrnya x rehat pon

lps tu kan

 pg td nye choir agk kelam kabut preparation
dah la tido kol 1 n bgun kol 4 pagi
nk siap baju, make up n accessories
kemas beg baju utk check out
lps tu tgh tngu turn utk choir pkul 12 jap g
pagi td nye perfom best

Persembahan choir utk Majlis Konvokesyen Ke 10 UNIRAZAK lebih baik dr yg lps
harap2 thn dpn leh buat lagi baik dan terbaik demi cikgu
penat dan best sgt2 hari nie walaupun x cukup tidor
nk mandi cuci make up, solat pas tu tidor
esok ptg dah nk blk hostel KC, KJ

dan skrg

awake back after take a nap for 1 1/2 hours
maybe my insomnia will came back tonight
very tired and still not have enough rest
my body and back bone feel so hurt
and my head feel back the headache
my eyes feel extremely painful and burning
my throat pain and coughing a bit
and I feel like a .......................

what a hectic life I live

Thursday, 28 October 2010

.....................busy week..............

I'm totally not been long time not to update this blog since the last post in past few weeks (maybe)
for this month my schedule is so pack 
my body is feel so dammm tired
my head feel like to explode in any time
my body fell so many pains from all part of my body
right now I'm in the class at my Unirazak campus at LCS @ Bali Campus Sunway City

focus listening to lecturers teaching @ Pengajian Islam classes with En Munib Ahmad
want to be focus of this class but can I ???
busy week, days, hours, minutes, and second
pack life with lots of activities, assignment and practice until this saturday for the 10th convo ceremony
after the convo will back to normal life a little bit but still busy with others thing
hectic life to face until this Saturday
and end of this semester
For final exam that start at the end of next month (nov)
I'm confess that I really not prepared anything yet
I'm still bluurrr with all the subject for this sem
but I will try to do the best for this sem
I got just a month left to cover everything for all the subject 
If I can do it I will be too thankful
if not I'm dead and have to repeated the same subject
and the PTPTN acc status maybe will freeze for a while
Ya Allah please help me to go trough all this 
I'm to weak and need your help Ya Allah
Need your guidance to walk and  trough the obstacle 
 just only YOU (Allah) can help me
I'm begging at YOU to help me 

maybe enough until here for right now
I'm too tired to typing and want back to focus on my classes lecturing 
see u guys next timee yeaaaaahhh
Arios Amigos



Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Hanya Allah Maha segala-galaNya

Ya Allah apa yg ak dah buat mlm td

kau maafkanlah hamba mu yg lemah ini

sesungguh nya ak slalu lalai kpdmu

berikanlah ak ptunjuk mu

semoga ak berubah kpd yg lebih baik

 rse x brpe sihat hr nie n lemah sgt

pening, sakit perut, loya, sakit dada, kalo mkn muntah blk n rse nk pitam

jap lg ada mid term food service chap 1 - 5

tp satu hapa pon x bce n bce pon x msuk2 dlm kpala otak nie

Ya Allah tlg lah hamba mu yg lemah ini menghadapi dugaan mu

Sunday, 10 October 2010

ntah la knapa

‎10/10/10 ~ my mood = bad
my self = not centred
my head = feel so heavy
my body = so painful
my heart = so empty
my appetite = zero

ak thu sudah 4 thn ianya berlalu
tetapi ak masih tidak dpt melupakan mu
sejak akhir2 ini kau slalu menghantui ku kembali
dgn memberi kembali kngn dulu yg trlalu berharga
membuat ku sedih dan hiba mgngknnya

dia dah meninggal 5 thn lps
kalu termasuk thn nie
n ak still x dpt lpkn dia
n selama 4 thn ak cuba dan hampir bole
n tp sejak bulan lps
x tahu knapa
dia mcm menghantui ak blk
mngkn betoi n
mngkn sbb ak x ikut apa yg dia sarankn
dia srnkn bnda yg baik
n byk yg ak x ikut
n ak mcm jd bdk yg liar skrg ni

Ya Allah tlg lah hambamu yg lemah ini