Sunday, 27 February 2011

hupdate apa yg perlu........

Haloo readerrssss
sory la yee sbb x slalu hupdate duaa tiga mngu nie
sbb line berukband sgt2 la sengal dan sewel
sepeti post2 lps 
kalo krg bce msti da tahu kan
line beruk mcm mana kan.....

jom2 kita tgk apa yg jd kat ak mngu lps
smpi ptg smlm

Hari Isnin :

morning peeps, hari nie kls start lambat siket....
smpi2 kls lecturer lak x de sbb clash dgn klas lain...
dia ganti dgn lecturer sem1 dulu2...
pagi2 da bgun walaupun kls start lambat...
sakit perut yg amat sgt sbb mkn tonyam + sambal belacan....
nie la padahnye x bole mkn pedas tapi degil.........

owhh penatnye tahap dewa dewi hari nie....
dr pagi smpi tgh hari kls teori n practical....
tgh hri smpi ptg ddk kat library buat assignment....
smpi2 je rmh trus pengsan dr kol 7 smpi 11....
skrg tgh tngu delivery sbb lapa n nk smbg buat assignment lagi.....
weeeeeeeeeeeee, yaaaaareeeeeeee......

Hari Selasa:

baru lps hbs kls kitchen smbg lak dgn kls English2......
back2back nonstop class for today from morning...
masik baik lecturer English baik bg mkn dlm kls....
walaupun ada presentation tapi dia bg kelonggaran...
penat3 yg amat sgt pada hari nie

Hari Rabu:

listening Backstreet Boys song back2back nonstop........

it's hard to find a perfect girl to make a wife for now and the after
but searching is still go on until I find a girl with Islamic elements
not a perfect I want to find but I want a wife who can help each other
to make us go and find deeper about Islam for ourself and family
Insyaallah I can do it with Allah helps and ............

layan movieee sbb esok x de klas.......

smlm x tido smpi pagi kol 7 lebih
assignment x siap lagi nie ha
ptg nie lak ada klas kol 6.30
mood otak pon da mcm x stabil da


ok dah2 la on9 kan diri yeww
sok pg ada klas kitchen smpi ke tuttttt
dak2 May Intake siap sedia la yeee
yareeeeeeeeeee, weeeeeeeeee.....

I cry because of you and I will never forget you...
why it's so hard for you to understand me?????
my eyes always drop a tears just only for you...

bru blk dari Kitchen Hotel Cookery dan amat hyperactive skali yarrr
menu yg dimasak hari ini adalah
Nasi Kuning, Ayam Kerutup, Sayur Puteri dan Sambal Kacang Sotong......

hujan yg amat lebat skali + guruh gemuruh.......
sedap nie da keanyang lps tu tido kesejukan.....
yareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

berlatih vokal utk choir lagu Can't Help Falling in Love version Ateen's....... lalalalala

apabila baru lps dinner dan kekenyangan
so bdn pon dah x larat nak angkatt
ion9 je la kejew nye, weeeeeee.......


POM class have been start and I have to use all my sense
I have to stole some time for my part time work
not study hard but must study smart
to get knowledge and money in the same time
If you can do it so you use both of your brains...

ade dkt MC tgh tgk rmh baru...
semuanye ok dan berbaloi dgn harga
yareeeeeeeee, weeeeeeeeeee.....

Alhamdulillah Ya Allah kau berikan ak kebahagian dlm kesunyian
kau berikan cahaya nur mu disaat ku mencari carinya
ak sgt bersyukur kpdmu dan ak gembira x terkata...


Carving for Tony Roma's Steak n Ribs.........
especially at TONY ROMA'S MALAYSIA Sunway Pyramid......

otw back to my home for a while
Sunway Hostel - UITM Shah Alam - Equine Park....
esok blk semula ke Sunway Hostel, hehehehexxD...

Baru blk Jusco Tmn Equine beli brg2 utk bwk blk hostel esok
apa yg ak beli pon x tahu, x la byk mne tp harga ya ampun
ada 4 bnda lg ak x beli, esok smbg shooping lg......

nie antara status update di fb dan nota diari yg ak tulis sbg reminder igatan utk ak 
yg slalu dan amat mudeh lpa
kdg2 ak rsa ak ada short term lost memory
huh nahay anieh 

k la
smpi sini je la peeeps
nnti ak hupdate lg 

Arios Amigos
Salam Ukhwah 

Monday, 21 February 2011

hupdate setelah bersawang........

eh lupa lak kan nak ucap
halooo readersss 
sory la dah lama x hupdate blog nie kannn
setelah hampir seminggu setengah x update
disebabkan line berukband yg amat2 lah pantas 
mengalahkan siput vavies berlari2
akhirnye berjaya jugak hupdate 
utk mengemas sesawang di blog nie

mari kita mulakan update blog nie
dari mingu lps nye cer citer cer citer cer citer 
* tgk dah tersasul Hantu Kak Limah nye statement

tibe2 lak kan dtg mood seru menyeru 
ak kau seru yg dtg kpdku
jgn ku mungkiri janji2 mu
akn nnti terseksa kamu
dan merana x terkira
hingga akhirnya

akibat tgk citer saka jentayu
akibat mls nak beli mkn nie la jadinye

bru lps brunchtea Rice with Sambal Egg, delivery je mls nak turun beli mkn.....
order, tunggu, smpi, bayar, dan makan, x payah nak jalan cari mkn........
burpppppppp, Alhamdulillah.........
skrg da maju bkn stakat Mcd jew yg delivery tau
restoran mahupun kedai burger tepi jln pon da ada delivery

benciss bila da pakai smart2 
tibe2 kan
MORNING PEEPSS, start your day with smile....
class F&B Practical was been cancel...
Owh My Gucci & Guess...
penat tau siap pagi2 bute
semata utk kls prac
tibe dia cancel sbb ada 3 4 mahkluk nie
kol tnya klas ada ke x
tibe lak dtg mood bengang

Why you have to spectecular others thing for your own good??
its like you kiil your self to hell you know daamm it
you will make me and others suffer a lot from it
you also will make me hate you even more and more
with what you did you can get hell out from my life
I never want you in my life now or never forever
I want mny free life back n I get it
penat tau melayan perasaan 
yg x berkesudahan

mood sakit lak dtg dgn tibe2s
mata berair + sakit kepala + x tahu = weeeeeeeeeeee

tibe2 lak terfikir 
I want to find someone that can accept me as I am and also love me because of Allah first.....
bolekew ak cari si dia utk ak di dunia dan akhirat????
Insomnia ku semakin menjadi2
sok klas pagie tp masih x tido2 lagieh nie
mata lak semakin terbeliak plak nie
haishhhh, weeeeeeeeeee...
tapi kan kali nie x teruk la sgt

sempat lagieh kan 
walaupun sok kls pagi
tidoooo timeee okies, zzzzzzz......
tapi sblm tu layan Manjalara kat TV3
sayonara, weeeeeeeeee....
tido sekejap sejam dua trus g klas
apa nak jadi la kan

tibe ak jam
help2 me I'm so jamm right now!!!!!!!

nak tahu sbb apa x?
sbb housemate bru ak yg bru msuk nie
mmg kiotrg serumah dah anti giler2 
perangai dia mmg annoying n scary giler
tapi nak buat mcm mana
mmg terseksa giler la
rmh nie dulu dari bersih suci murni
sekarang da jd mcm zoo, hutan rimba, n rmh kongsi

sejak du menjak sem bermula nie kan
slalu n memnjang jew duit ak slalu short
almaklumla ak pon da berhenti aka ambk cuti tanpa gaji
dah dekat dua bulan lebih da

u make me suffer u know
when u want to get in my bank acc
owh money, money, money
I carving for lovely delicious food
and also shopping moping okayss....

tgh tnggu PTPTN
tp dgr hrtu pt msk bulan tiga
bila x dpt dipastikan
mmg dammmm
mintak kat ayah mmg susa la kan
bg pon cukup mkn n slalu x cukup
apa la dosa ak kan
sakit perut + mata berair + sakit kepala = perfect combination
Ya Allah apa kah dugaan yg kau sedang berikan kepadaku
ak pasrah menerimanya di atas apa yg ak pernah lakukan
Friday at 12:42ak pon x tahu la
mmg merana la jgak wktu tuh

statement nie mmg sgt diperlukan
ak kuarpon sbb x nak ddk rmh yg like tutttt
off9, Sunway Pyramid, weeeeeeeeeeeee.....

 penat gilerrr tawaf Sunway Pyramid hari nie...
x tahu la brpe round kitrg pusing kt sana....
Saturday at 20:15

tp mmg ;penat giler la ak pusing2 menawaf Sunway Pyramid tu
bersama2 housemate lama ak
semata2 nak elak blk rmh yg da mcm tutt
mlm lak kitrg smbg ddk lepak tepi swimmming pool
sampi pkul 2 ke 3 pagi
menikmati angin sepoi2 bahasa
dan ketenangan deruan air
dari ddk rmh 
yg da mcm zoo
hutan rimba
dan rmh konsi
serta housemate bru yg 
mmg annoying giler

hari ahad la al maklum la kan
smlm dah lpk menengkan jiwa
smpi 3 4 pagi
hari nie ak terlajak tidur
smpi kol 5 ptg
damm aak bgun tgk jam
biar betul da koll 5 ptg 
tanya housemate dia cko ko tido ke pengsan ha?
ak pon konfius gilerrr
nak on9 beruk la buat hal 
lepak2 jap, mandi lps tu siap2
g dinner dgn housemate2 lama

kk la 
smpi sini jew
nnti ak hupdate lain
kalo itupun
line beruk band baik hati mcm hari  nie
ak pon da x tahu apa ka merepek

Arios Amigos
Salam Ukhwah


Thursday, 10 February 2011

let the picture told the stories again n again.....

sory la sbb kadang2 lama x update blog
al maklum je la 
hidup sebagai pelajar
tibe2 teringat satu post
yg ak post semalam kat fb
*Fuhh so damm tired but fun life I been trough,
morning got Pastry and Cake Class with Chef Asma,
at evening until night got Vocal class with Cikgu Siti Hajar,
luckily Hotel Cookery Class for tomorrow have been cancel,
but on Friday I got POM Quiz, busy life as a student never stop...

bendalah nie sepatut nye ak update smlm 
tp ak amat kemalasan dan kepenatan yg amat sgt
so tertunggak la segala benda yg ak nak update
hari nie kebetulan kelas ak di cancel kan 
so ak rehat la puas2 dan skrg time utk update blog nie
nie la gambar apa yg ak but kat kelas pastry smlm 
n makanan yg terhasil kat kls tu 

Tira @ mak n Ika @ adik

Safwan, ak, Ika, n Tira

Ika n Tira lagi
diorg nie da mcm twin da

Teha, Ika n ak

Akim, ak, Safwan
Tira, Teha, Ika

All of us again
BFF Team

Cream Puff


smpi sini je la dulu ekk
nnti ak update lagieh ye
nak study POM dan
nak menyudahkan assignment apa yg patut
Arios Amigos
Salam Ukhwah

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Law of Attraction - Is all about u

The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical New Thought belief that "like attracts like”, that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results, respectively. According to the Law of Attraction, the phrase "I need more money" allows the subject to continue to "need more money". If the subject wants to change this they would focus their thoughts on the goal (having more money) rather than the problem (needing more money). This might take the form of phrases such as "I will make more money" or "I will find a job that pays very well".

Skeptical Inquirer magazine criticized the lack of falsifiability and testability of these claims . Critics have asserted that the evidence provided is usually anecdotal and that, because of the self-selecting nature of the positive reports, as well as the subjective nature of any results, these reports are susceptible to confirmation bias and selection bias.
Physicist Ali Alousi, for instance, criticized it as unmeasurable and questioned the likelihood that thoughts can affect anything outside the head.
Writing for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, Mary Carmichael and Ben Radford wrote that "neither the film nor the book has any basis in scientific reality" and that its premise contains "an ugly flipside: if you have an accident or disease, it’s your fault." They asked, "If an airplane crashes, does that mean that one or more of the passengers brought that on himself? Do soldiers killed in Iraq simply not think enough positive thoughts?"

As physical hypothesis
Others have questioned the references to modern scientific theory, and have maintained, for example, that the Law of Attraction misrepresents the electrical activity of brainwaves. Victor Stenger and Leon Lederman are critical of attempts to use quantum physics to bridge any unexplained or seemingly implausible effects, believing these to be traits of modern pseudoscience. Writing in the New York Times, Virginia Heffernan characterised The Secret as "a series of misquotations ... and fraudulent maxims" that nonetheless "takes [her] to a happy place."

In health science
Main article: Neural top down control of physiology
The principles of the law of attraction have also been interpreted in the realm of medicine and illness. The law of attraction has some parallels with the Placebo effect. In 1990, Bernie Siegel published a book, Love, Medicine and Miracles, which asserted that the threat of disease was related to a person's imagination, will, and belief.[improper synthesis?] Siegel primarily advocated "love" as the source of healing and longevity stating that "if you want to be immortal, love someone." Siegel's description has been rejected by some from within the medical community.

Personal responsibility
Robert Sapolsky, a professor and neuroendocrinologist, devoted a chapter in his book, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, to Siegel. Sapolsky refers to Siegel's general idea as "benign gibberish" but is particularly critical of what he sees as blaming patients for their illness, based only on anecdotal evidence. Sapolsky sums up his primary criticism as follows:

*Where the problems become appallingly serious is when Siegel concentrates on the main point of his book. No matter how often he puts in the disclaimers saying that he's not trying to make people feel guilty, the book's premise is that (a) cancer can be caused by psychosocial factors in the person; (b) cancer (or any other disease, as far as I can tell) is curable if the patient has sufficient courage, love and spirit; (c) if the patient is not cured, it is because of the insufficient amounts of those admirable traits. As we have just seen, this is not how cancer works, and a physician simply should not go about telling seriously ill people otherwise.


An "occult law of attraction", 1879
In 1879, the New York Times was the first major newspaper to use the phrase "Law of Attraction", describing the wagon trains of the Colorado gold rush as "moving in obedience to some occult law of attraction that overcomes all obstacles in their progress to their destination".

A physical "energy of attraction", 1902
As early as 1902, references to something similar to the law of attraction can be seen particularly in discussion of matter formation. John Ambrose Fleming, an electrical engineer and turn-of-the-century physicist, described "every completed manifestation, of whatever kind and on whatever scale" as "an unquenchable energy of attraction" that causes objects to "steadily increase in power and definiteness of purpose, until the process of growth is completed and the matured form stands out as an accomplished fact".

The New Thought Movement, 1904–1910
Thomas Troward, who was a strong influence in the New Thought Movement, claimed that thought precedes physical form and that "the action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form."
In 1906, William Walker Atkinson (1862–1932) used the phrase in his New Thought Movement book Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World, stating that "like attracts like."[19] The following year, Elizabeth Towne, the editor of The Nautilus Magazine, a Journal of New Thought, published Bruce MacLelland's book Prosperity Through Thought Force, in which he summarized the principle, stating: "You are what you think, not what you think you are." 
The book "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles espouses similar principles[improper synthesis?]—that truly believing in the object of your desire and focusing onto it will lead to that object or goal being realized on the material plane (Wattles indicates in the Preface and later chapters of this book that his premise stems from the monistic Hindu view that God pervades everything and can deliver that which we focus on). In addition, the book also indicates that negative thinking will manifest negative results.
Richard Weiss explains in his book The American Myth of Success that during the New Thought movement, the "principle of "non-resistance" was a popular concept taught in conjunction with the Law of Attraction.

The "law of attraction" in Theosophy, 1915–1919
The phrase "Law of Attraction" appeared in the writings of the Theosophical authors William Quan Judge in 1915,and Annie Besant in 1919.

The Law of Success in 16 Lessons
Before the release of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill released The Law of Success in 16 Lessons (1928) which directly references the Law of Attraction, by name, repeatedly.

"Think and Grow Rich", 1937
In 1937, author Napoleon Hill published his book Think and Grow Rich which went on to become one of the best selling books of all time, selling over 60 million copies. In this book, he discusses the importance of controlling your own thoughts in order to achieve success, as well as the energy that thoughts have and their ability to attract other thoughts. In the beginning of the book, Napoleon Hill mentions a "secret" to success, and promises to indirectly describe it at least once in every chapter of the book. It is never named directly for he says that discovering it on one's own is far more beneficial. Many people have argued over what the secret actually is, with some arguing that it was the Law of Attraction. Hill states the "secret" to which he refers is mentioned no fewer than a hundred times, yet reference to "attract" is used less than 30 times in the text. Most students of the book claim the secret is hidden in its title: THINK (i.e., thoughts)

By the mid 1900s, various authors addressed the topic and related ideas[improper synthesis?] under a range of religious and secular terms, such as "positive thinking", "mental science", "pragmatic Christianity", "New Thought", "practical metaphysics", "Science of Mind" / "Religious Science", and "Divine Science". Among the mid 20th century authors who used the term were Florence Scovel Shinn (1925), Sri K. Parvathi Kumar (1942), Alice Bailey (1, and Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1968). Author Louise Hay in 1976 released a pamphlet in which she links various diseases and disorders to certain thoughts and states of minds. This list was included in her 1984 best-seller book You Can Heal Your Life, in which she promotes positive thinking as a healing method.Other proponents of the Law of Attraction included Wallace Wattles, Ernest Holmes, Charles Fillmore, Robert Collier, Helen Wilmans, Charles Brodie Patterson, and Helena Blavatsky, who all published books in the early 1900s.

21st century
In 2006, a film entitled The Secret (2006) based on the "Law of Attraction" was released and then developed into a book of the same title in 2007. The movie and book gained widespread attention in the media fromSaturday Night Live to The Oprah Winfrey Show in the United States. The same year Esther and Jerry Hicks (who provided much of the original source material for The Secret) released The Law of Attraction, which was on the New York Times best seller list.
The Law of Attraction's modern interpretation, as presented in The Secret, is that physical reality is a reflection of inner (subjective) reality, summarized in the quote from The Secret, "your thoughts and your feelings create your life."
The success of the film and various books led to increased media coverage, both positive and negative. Oprah Winfrey devoted two episodes of her show to discuss the film and the law of attraction. Talk show host Larry King also discussed it on his show with Bob Solis but criticized it for several reasons. He pointed to the sufferings in the world and asked: "If the Universe manifests abundance at a mere thought, why is there so much poverty, starvation, and death?"[citation needed] A common response to this question from those who subscribe to the Law of Attraction's philosophy is that one's unconscious thoughts (which are more difficult to control) are attracting as well as one's conscious thoughts.
King's remark is similar[improper synthesis?] to a criticism that the law of attraction only works because most of the anecdotes cited in books and movies are about people who live in a culture that has paths to allow people to overcome adversity, while this is not true for much of the world.
In August 2008, Esther and Jerry Hicks's book Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list.

Arios Amigos
Salam Ukhwah

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Majlis Aqiqah Dani dan Pertunangan Fikri & Angah

Olaaa readersss
lama x update blog
seperti title di atas
saya akan uodate staus je la
sbb mla nak taip 
dan penat pon x hbs lagieh nie

Mari mulakan status update

otw to JB but before that drop by at Batu Pahat first...
Oh no my village flooded n have to move all the thing...
halp3 I don't want to dive there....
02 February at 12:07


otw to JB but before that drop by at Batu Pahat first...
Oh no my village flooded n have to move all the thing...
halp3 I don't want to dive there n get wet....
but after 5 years did not return there......
I hope it's be a nice memory ever...
02 February at 12:18


Seri kembangan - Alor Gajah - Batu Pahat - Johor Bharu.
Ngantuknyerrr, zzzzzz......
02 February at 15:51


tgh tngu kambing aqiqah nak smpi, kena masak lauk utk kenduri cukur jambul esok lps jumaat.
Thursday at 16:04 via BlackBerry


Mlm td smpi pkul 2 pagi msk Dalca, Pulut Kuning, Rendang Daging, Kambing, dan Kambing Briyani .... Hari nie smbg lak msk Nasi Briyani lak.....
Friday at 10:13 via Ovi by Nokia


Alhamdulillah kenduri aqiqah anak sedara berjalan dgn lancar. Esok lak nak hantar rombongan meminang sepupu lak.....
Friday at 16:43 via Ovi by Nokia


Dkt pool dgn ayah dan sepupu2 aku, brpe byk game diorg dah main pon x tahu daaaa., blk jap g nak touchup gubahan hantaran tunang lak, esok pagi nak g ambk sireh junjung n aksesori dkt Angsana Jb.....
Yesterday at 02:13 via Ovi by Nokia


fuhh penat nyeee pkul 6 bertolak dr JB tp kol 11.30 bru smpi Seri Kembangan, esok baru nak blk hostel dgn assignment satu hapa pon x siap lagiehhh.....
17 hours ago


‎2day back to back eat Secret Recipe - Chocolate Indulgence
ooowwwhh myy Salvator Ferragamo ...
17 hours ago


‎(Rabu) Seri Kembangan, Selangor - Masjid Tanah, Melaka - Batu Pahat, Johor - Bukit Indah, JB - Ayir Itam, Johor - Masjid Tanah, Melaka - Seri Kembangan, Selangor (Sabtu) .... Esok sambung lagi Seri Kembangan, Selangor - Bandar Sunway coa blk hostel tp Asssinment yg bertimbun2 x siap lagi, grrrrrr....
17 hours ago 

out dulu apa yg saya merepek pon saya x tahu
tp nie la serba sedikit apa yg terjadi
nnti saya smbg lagi
arios amigos
Salam Ukhwah