Sunday, 5 September 2010

so boring n tired........

I don't know what to do.....

hospitality presentation n hard copy are submitted and done..............
now exam fundemental of food at 3.30 pm....
tomorrow english1 quiz2.........
next week final project and journal have to be submitted and present........
ergh have lot more things to be done..........
before final exam that are coming so F fast.......

 akhirnya siap jgak assignment hard copy n slide serentak........
skrg pkol 3.20 pg n saya mahu tido.......
sok kna bgun awl skit nk baca lagi skali utk mid term........
byk oooooo yg kna baca blk........

 finishing hospitality assignment that have to submit tomorrow......
study for mid term fundemental of food, exam tomorrow.......
study for english quiz this Wednesday......
n after that waiting for final exam (2 weeks more).....
after that mid sem break for 3 weeks....

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