Sunday, 5 September 2010

words n no idea

I could merge all of my creative passions—design, cooking, and entertaining. Food is one of the most creative forms of art to me; you can transform it into colorful flavors, shapes, and smells


Learn and be confident. The great thing about catering is that the menu is always changing so you can learn a lot of different recipes, plus you learn how to plan for large-scale events. Catering menus are composed of a lot of canapés, so precision and technique are crucial. Challenge yourself, stay focused, and soak up all of the technique, planning, and recipes that you can.

tibe2 x de kaitan

Melewatkan Mandi Wajib>
Orang yang melewatkan mandi wajibnya juga tidak membatalkan puasa dan boleh terus berpuasa, dan tetap sah selagi mana dia tidak membatalkan puasanya.
Seseorang itu boleh melewatkan mandi wajib sebelum solat. Setelah masuk waktu solat, ia wajib mandi sebelum boleh menunaikan solat.
Naz FyterLee AxonSchaz LaBeouf
Safwan KhaliqAaron Kim LeeBumAyie Akmal

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